Sheetmetalman, welcome! Glad to know someone close is on this forum. ComeKeith, I keep adding more plants, but was having problems with the hyacinths. I added 6 more lillies, and they are just starting to peek above the water. Have 2 others, one is blooming now! Not sure what else to get to have floating to cover the pond. Water "current" sends all floaters to the skimmer, so put the hyacinths in the ring. They are doing much better now. I'd love suggestions for more plants. Going to expand the bog this weekend (need to get going on that now!), and then work on the waterfall and try to get it done this week.
My pond is 19.5' long, and I have shelves on the north half to put potted plants on, but other than that and the bog, rest would have to be floaters. I will get more plants earlier next year, so they have time to multiply. And, my pond is on the east side of the house, no shade until about 5 or so these days. And, Sheetmetalman, the reason I had/have green water is because I tried the theory that letting the pond "go green" would help get the plantlife boosted, and bacteria up and going, before I added fish. But, now I'm struggling to get rid of it, although I can see the shelves (2') and now I can see the fish when they are on the bottom, so it's getting there!
Here's a pic of my lilly,
View attachment 7145
and my resident, Mr. Daddy Bullfrog.
View attachment 7146
And, a picture taken yesterday of the pond with new plants between pond and deck.
View attachment 7147
Yep, WAYYY too much open water. Suggestions???