So I just found out that the hieroglyphs above have been caused by snails. I just finished a clean out (no scrubbing just removed pea gravel and replaced with a bit larger gravel that my pond vac has a chance of cleaning around) and am getting ready to put the feeder fish I quarantined in the pond, but saw that there are several of these snails. Should I be concerned about this? The pond is only about 250 gallons and these gold fish are about 2 inches long. I have other fish going in next week some that are 6 inches that I'm hoping will eat the snails. Do I need to take them out? I have a clown loach in my aquarium, would it be good to take some out and put them in there for him? Some of the snails are the size of a dime.
FYI the ph has stabilized at 7.5 (well today it tested at 8). Everything else is testing well, even after the torrential rain we had yesterday. I did add a good amount of beneficial bacteria and add more each week.