They call me Ryan
So after a great year with the pond it was time to make some changes. I knew that after I built the bog I was going to take out my skippy filter in the fall. When I took out the skippy I was able to move my waterfall over and make it wider. Since I moved to to the center of the pond now it left a dead zone on the south end of my pond. I can't move the skimmer box since its thru the liner. I just figured that I would add another skimmer box and run my bog from that pump. During the spring we get hammered with those helicopters from the maple trees and in the fall we get all the leaves from the trees. I figured another skimmer box cant hurt. I can't seem to find my current skimmer box online anywhere. It's a off brand savio style skim box that I got new off of Craigslist for $25. I really like it but only thing that is on the lid is Aqua concepts. So what would you recommend for a thru the liner skimmer box???