True friends just call me Larkin
Jen, when i get them from the wild I usually get a small tub and fill with pond water. place the plants in the tub and leave for 24-48 hours, then take them out do a 100% water change again with pond water. I'll do this several times then leave them alone for a week or two. this helps allow any snails, leeches, bugs, parasite etc. to move on. Then I'll usually only put the baby plants in the pond, lot smaller root systems means less chance of introducing unwanteds in the pond. No need to fert. hyacinths. a simple small air stone or small pump to help the water move some is all that is needed. Also If you'll store them where there is just a few hours of direct sunlight and several hours of filtered light during the day while cleaning you'll get stronger thicker plants usually to start off with. Good luck, Hope you get to enjoy the blooms. I always love the pics of a hyacinth in bloom, one of the most delicate yet attractive blooms of a pure nusaince weed I can think of in the Water garden.How did you make your ring so that your koi can't eat the roots? Out of boredom the boys and I went to the pond store to look at fish today. I told her my koi ate my WH roots and they all died, and she gave me new plants. Wasn't expecting that. So for now I put them in a tub with water and sprinkled some Osmocote in there. Hoping that is good enough since I don't have any miracle grow around the house. But I need to do something so they can go back in the pond.