My question regards how to plumb the pump or pumps to operate the skimmer and pump water up through the bog filter to the waterfall.
I am building an 800 gallon water garden with lots of plants. It will have a 90 gallon bog filter and a three-foot tall waterfall me
andering through two pools to the pond. The bog filter will sit atop the mound toward the upper left of the attached photo. The water exits the bog filter to the top of the waterfall using a 1 ft wide spillway. The pond will not have any rocks over the liner below the shelf. I estimate water going to the top of the falls experiences 5' of head, considering three ft height plus 12 ft hose and connectors. The flow of water in the pond is hindered by shelving, irregular shape, and pond plants.
So here is what I want to accomplish:
-Energy efficiency. Should I have one pump or two?
-What could the plumbing look like with one pump?
With two pumps I am imagining a submersible pump placed in the center floor of the pond (the low spot), something like the The Pond Guy Solidflo G2 pump 2650. I am assuming the low spot in the pond will enable the pump to pump the most small debris. It might be nice for this pump to be variable speed, as I am not sure how much flow to optimize my enjoyment of the waterfall feature, while still respecting the bog filter flow rate requirements (whatever those are?). I feel like placing a submersible pump at the bottom of the pond gets more debris filtered, as opposed to just drawing water through the skimmer?
The second pump would be in the skimmer, and could be small (Whatever the sensible turnover rate for the skimmer feature should be). Do most submersible pumps handle a similar size debris? ie should "solidflo" mean something to me?
Single pump setups:
Then I am thinking that there are ways to plumb in just one pump. I could route the output of the skimmer to the center bottom of the pond and join this hose to one connected to a prefilter at the center of the pond. Check valves in each hose branch, perhaps. The combined hose is pumped by a variable speed submersible pump which draws water from the skimmer and pond center and pushes this water to the top of the waterfall.
So I welcome your thoughts on how best to plumb this pond, and which pumps are appropriate for the job at hand.