Here's where I'm at this week on the pond. I'm pretty happy with everything for the most part so far. I'm already wishing I would have made it bigger though and so is my wife.

I bought a few plants from my garden center, and split some from my pondless water feature to get my bog started. So far I've got Horsetail, pennywort, creeping jenny, irisis, chameleon plant, lizard's tail, cardinal flower, blue lobelia, water garlic, african rose mallow, fiber optic plant, and some watercress (from the grocery store). The watercress is the only thing I can tell that is actively growing. I think the water temp may still be a little cool.
The water has gone through one algae bloom and cleared up from that. I had a lot of leaf debris in there that I didn't get all out from the fall. The water was pretty tea stained, but I noticed today that is starting to clear up from that also. I'm trying to get some more of the leaves out and once the temps rise a little more, I'll probably start doing some partial water changes.