From what I've read, this can be caused by stress or by an internal infection (either bacterial or parasitic). Are you sure it's coming out as "poop" and not as little "strings" stuck randomly on the fish?
I'm not even going to try to tell you what to do for this, since the fish is so obviously sick that at this point, I think this is more just a symptom to help us figure out what's wrong. I think your fish are too sick at this point, to worry about correcting bowel function issues. But THANK YOU so much for noticing this and letting us know! These are the little observations that a fish owner should be taking note of!!
And, some things, like changes in the stool ("poop") are things you can look up on the internet. What I do is start my search with the keyword "veterinary" -- that seems to get more valid, medically oriented information instead of just reading about what everyone else did for their fish.
And BTW,
@MK3, did my lame explanation of "cycling" help at all -- help you to understand what might be going on with your pond? Sorry, I'm not good at explaining things. But getting the nitrogen cycle going is imperative for any body of water that will house fish!