New goldfish became ill after quarantine and transfer to pond

Apr 1, 2021
Reaction score
Carlsbad, CA
Hardiness Zone
10a/sunset zone 23
United States
Hello all,

Don’t they say troubles come in threes? Where here’s number three for me (pond losing 40-50 percent of water a few weeks ago and the discovery of fish lice being the first two).

So, I know it would seem like I must have water quality issues, but genuinely there are no issues. Zeroes across the board per usual and there’s nothing wrong with my test kit, it always shows nitrates in my indoor aquarium and it showed some ammonia when the quarantine tank cycled. Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates zero, the pond did not have to re-cycle after the water loss due to use of prime and bogs did not drain. Kh, Gh very good (7 drops and 12 drops respectively), Ph consistent in normal narrow daily range of about 8-8.2.

Anyway, on to the fish. This fish came through a 2 week quarantine with flying colors. The other fish that came with it and quarantined with it had carp pox for about a week that cleared up normally. It wasn’t until I transferred the fish to the bigger pond with more current that I did see some mild signs of potential issues in that the fish was drifting with the current in an atypical way, but it was barely noticeable and the fish could easily self correct.

Fast forward another week or so, and the fish is now having fins clamped most of the time, but not while feeding, the fish looks and acts totally normal when food is involved. When attempting to rest, the swim bladder issues are very obvious as the fish drifts to the surface and ends up in a 45 degree side lying position. However the fish can still orient and swim normally but with what seems to be some effort. Today there is some slight pineconing of scales but only the scales behind the anal fins leading to the tail, and if there is any swelling causing the pineconing it’s extremely mild and not apparent even comparing photos from three weeks ago to today, so that is a bit mystifying.

Assuming this fish has some internal infection going on, but not sure if I should be looking at Epsom salts or using kanaplex in the hospital tank or in the food or what the best strategy is at this point. And I know the probably dropsy is a dire sign, but yet the fish still eats and can put out a good burst of energy so it seems there’s still hope?

Thanks for any insight or advice!

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