
Aug 28, 2006
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Hello Everyone,
My name is Mary, I live and work in Stockport.

I used to have lots of interests, but since I have dug out, and stocking my pond with Koi carp a couple of fan tail goldfish and a couple of shubunkins, I do not seem to have time for anything else, I spend most of my time around the pond watching the fish or cleaning out the brushes in the filter,

One of the reasons I have joined you all, is in the hope some one can help me.

I bought my Koi 20 in all as small goldfish size. as part of this for me is to watch the fish grow, I have been very lucky up to now I have lost a couple over the winter last year, as I first stocked the pond last August, since then the fish have come on great, and most are now between 6 and 8 inches long and quite fat, apart from a couple that have not grown that much.

My problem is:-
I have one that has his mouth constantly open, and has trouble getting to the top to feed, now and again he swims frantically and just sort of skims along the top of the water very fast, I have lifted him out in the net and had a good look down his throat to make sure that he has nothing stuck, and check him to make sure there is no fungus, he looks really healthy and has no visible problems, the chap at the shop I buy my fish from said he could have swam into something and broke his jaw, and said I should try pulling his mouth back,
but some one else warned me that I could break his bones as this is easy done, I have looked and read everything I can find but noone mentions these symptoms, has anyone here any ideas on what it could be.

Thanks for reading Regards Mary
Jul 31, 2006
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Chattanooga, TN
Welcome to the forums. I am sorry to hear about your fish. I have never had to deal with this problem so I don't want to recommend anything that could further hurt your fish. Let us know how it goes and if you figure out a solution to the problem.

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