Being a member of two other rather well known pond forums I became disheartened to learn after a long absence that both had very little activity. I poised that question to one of the few active members. His reply was very logical. "Due to the economy ponding was gone done in popularity. Hopefully members will return."
As to the title of this post the following pretty much answeres that question. It was a good day when I discovered Garden Pond Forum, an active forum with many fine members. One of GPF's best aspects is it embraces all classes of ponders along with all manner of pond ownership and stewardship. Ponding can involve so many varied topics from the simple to the complex. All such topics seem to be welcomed here. In closing, corresponding with GPF members is like having a good chin-wag with a friendly neighbor.
As to the title of this post the following pretty much answeres that question. It was a good day when I discovered Garden Pond Forum, an active forum with many fine members. One of GPF's best aspects is it embraces all classes of ponders along with all manner of pond ownership and stewardship. Ponding can involve so many varied topics from the simple to the complex. All such topics seem to be welcomed here. In closing, corresponding with GPF members is like having a good chin-wag with a friendly neighbor.