I've been using solar power to run a bilge pump in the pond. The first bilge pump lasted the winter and kept a hole open in the ice. It died and the new one was hooked up to run the waterfall. It lasted a week. It seems that bilge pumps just can't do what I need, so I've decided to run electricity down to the pond and use an ac pump. (The solar system will still run the aerator.)
From your experience, what pump would you recommend? My pond is about 1000 gallons and the pump would connect to the waterfall. I need a 1000gph pump, right? Or would a 500gph be enough? I'd like to run the whole volume through in an hour, but I'd prefer a more gentle waterfall.
From your experience, what pump would you recommend? My pond is about 1000 gallons and the pump would connect to the waterfall. I need a 1000gph pump, right? Or would a 500gph be enough? I'd like to run the whole volume through in an hour, but I'd prefer a more gentle waterfall.