This broke up when I netted it. I don't think it was string algae. I had a couple of clumps awhile ago and when I tried to net them with a larger net, the clump dissolved back into the water. The net I used was very fine and it couldn't pass through.
Darn, I thought this might be a sign that I was finally winning the war!
That's an absolutely perfect description. This is single cell algae, green water type. As it dies it sinks to the bottom and rots, gas bubbles form, it floats, then sinks. It's kind of weird how it clumps, I believe it's either a DOC related behavior or ion (electric type thing positive attracted to negative, no actual electric from a wire deal).
Good news is this doesn't normally last long, couple of weeks maybe, even less. It decays pretty fast and then stays on the bottom. The scooping around with the net on the bottom can speed up the rotting and release trapped gas so reduce floaters. It does make water less clear but generally most settles pretty fast, few hours. But depends.
Longer term this stuff decays enough that bits start to suspend in the water, like bits of grey ground pepper. Water remains clear but the little specks start to make water look less clean as more and more enter the water. Fines filters can remove it. But imo it way easier to remove it now. Scooping with a fine mesh net does help a lot, and giving enough time will remove most of it. But it is difficult. You have to move really, really slowly and you can only get a little at time. It's not so much as "netting" it, as you found it will pass thru the net. If you go really slow it kind of just sticks to the net, go to fast and it washes thru.
I prefer to vacuum this stuff in larger ponds. Pond size really determines the best option. Here's
my page on the different types of vacuums and how they work in different ponds. Specifically if you want a vacuum you want one that removes water because this stuff breaks up.
Something like my Silt Vac.
This is not only a sign you are winning the algae battle, but that you won the battle. At least this battle.