The pondless waterfall is virtually maintenance-free. It may be set to run on a timer and have an auto-fill to replace evaporated water. There is no ecological need to run the pondless waterfalls energy-efficient waterscapes system continuously, versus a pond, which is a living, breathing ecosystem that needs constant oxygen, just like humans.
So it sounds like you do not need to run all the time.
really nice job on your pondless waterfall and great if you do get algae anywhere just add some algae fix and your done .No fish no work to upkeep it just making sure it does not run dry especially in the summer.You can put pool chemicals in it also and better yet get some spa chemicals that have the scent to them aroma therapy all in one
How do you stop the dirt from getting in there and I guess you never open it up to clean it or anything, right? Just keep the water flowing and that the end of it
Seems like you wouldn't have to keep it going all the time, though may as well - it'll provide some good background sound.
I would imagine you'll probably have to put some kind of chemicals in it. I tried algae killer in my waterfall / small pond, and it didn't work that well at all. So I've just been using small amounts of chlorine (I don't have any fish - yet at least).
Just curious, I know chlorine or bleach has been recommended for years for controlling algae, Anyone know how Hydrogen peroxide would work and would it work long term and would it leave chemical residue behind that could harm fish if it was to be used again for another project later?
BTW, VERY NICE! I really like that idea, Nice job, really sets off that entrance.
I use hydrogen peroxide in a pond with fish to control algae, the fish do fine, and it kills the algae wonderfully. I use a rate of 1 liter per 1000 gallons, have not had to do it here, but my arizona pond I would use 14 liters, no affect on the fish, (goldies)
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