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Vengeance a Pirate's Tale
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[QUOTE="Bullfrog, post: 161791, member: 2230"] CHAPTER ELEVEN TURNING The two women walked back to the village and saw Shayla stirring a large pot of beans with a wooden spoon, she smiled at them as they approached. “That really smells good.” said the princess. “Would you like some? They are ready.” she replied. “I would love some.” “Please, help yourself.” she handed them both a bowl and two spoons. They scooped out the beans and began to eat hungrily. “This is wonderful, it has pieces of pork in it and the pork is tender.” Angelica said. “Pigs abound on this island, we are not far from the trade routes so spices are also available.” Shayla said as she slowly stirred the pot. “So, you and Batu have no children?” the princess asked. Shayla said nothing but continued to slowly stir the pot looking at it. Her eyes welled with tears and then they slid down her cheeks. She dropped the spoon into the pot and covered her eyes with her fingers and began to cry quietly. “What? What is wrong?” the princess asked. She stopped eating and both women looked at Shayla. Shayla tried to compose herself for a moment and then managed to gasp out between her sobs. “They sold them. We had two but they sold them.” she began to cry uncontrollably. The princess was shocked, “They sold your babies? How could they do this? Even the poorest in our country are allowed to keep their children. How could they have sold your babies?” Shayla managed to quiet herself after a few minutes, the women waited, “We were their property, that did with us as they wished. Our children were just money to them.” The princess began to cry also, “Is there no end to their cruelty? How could they do this? My father must find out about this, he will put a stop to it.” Shayla looked at her and took her hand, “Your father knows this, it is common practice. I told you that he gets a share from each slave child that is sold. The Viceroy keeps meticulous records which are forwarded to the King.” Celeste was outraged, “I knew that you said that but I never imagined that your and Batu’s own children were sold. How could my father be so cruel and uncaring? They were your babies, not animals.” She looked down at the ground and shook her head. She looked back up and said “I understand now why you hate the King so much, I am beginning to hate him also. I did not know any of this before. In the name of God, you are people, not animals! How could he condone this? That bastard, that no good bastard.” Shayla said nothing for a moment and then said, “Your eyes are opening now. This has been going on for many years. Even this day some mother and father will have their child taken away and sold for money” “And my father will get his share, as if he does not have enough already.” she said and shook her head. If she had any doubt about staying here, now all doubt was gone. She would never return to such a cruel father. “Shayla, I cannot put a stop to this, but I can hurt my father very deeply and I intend to. I like Felipe, Andreas, Batu, you and Jeanne Pierre. I am not ever going home, I am going to stay here with Felipe if he will have me.” the princess said. “If he will have you? The man is crazy for you! I have seen the way that he looks at your cabin when you go in for the night. This is wonderful news! I am so glad that you are staying here, come here.” Shayla hugged her tight and they smiled at each other. “When did you decide this and have you told Felipe?” she asked. “I decided it earlier when Angelica and I were talking, but what you just told me makes me never want to return to such an evil empire. And no, I have not told Felipe yet.” “He will be overjoyed.” Shayla smiled at her. “You do not think he will be disappointed about not getting a huge ransom for me?” she asked. “Money means nothing to Felipe, he seeks revenge.” Shayla looked up for a moment and then said, “This will be the ultimate revenge for Felipe if your father were to know about your decision to rebuke him and stay here.” “That is exactly what I told her.” Angelica said. “When will you tell him?” Shayla asked excitedly. She thought about it for a moment and then said, “When he returns, please say nothing about this, he may still reject my desires for the ransom and I do not want to be embarrassed.” “I will say nothing, but you do not know Felipe like I do. Andreas has confided in me about how taken he is with you. Can you not see the way he acts when you are around? He will be overjoyed, as I am.” Shayla smiled at her, “Welcome home princess.” The women spent the rest of the day talking. Shayla taught them how to make bowls out of clay. “It is getting late in the evening, the men will be back soon.” Shayla told them. “I need to go and clean up a little.” the princess said. “For your man.” Angelica finished the sentence for her. They all smiled and she went back to her cabin. After a short while she came out wearing a fine dress with a low cut top showing the tops of her breasts. She had a flower behind one ear and a soft scent about her. She twirled around and asked, “How do I look?” “You look just lovely, Felipe will be speechless.” Shayla said. “Do you really think that he will like it?” she asked. Both women just nodded their heads and smiled. Several hours later they heard someone call out from the shore, “They are back!” Shayla said. The women went down to the shore and watched the ship lower its anchors and soon the men dove in and swam to the shore. Felipe waded up and looked at her. “You look absolutely stunning.” he said and smiled. “Thank you, did you get paper and a quill? I cannot wait to write my father.” she said. She saw the look of disappointment on his face and struggled to say nothing else. “The men are going to push the raft out to bring the supplies in. I will see that you get it soon.” Felipe said. The thought of her so anxious to leave put a look of hurt on his face and that moved her heart so she held her hand out to him. She had never taken his hand before. “Come, we have food cooked.” and she turned and walked back to the pavilion with him. Felipe thought that she was so happy at the thought of going home and that was why she was being so friendly. He walked sadly with her but he was glad to be holding her hand. When they arrived at the pavilion she told him to sit and she ladled out a bowl of beans and began cooking him a tortilla as Shayla had taught her to do. “You are learning how to cook?” he asked surprised. “Oh yes, Shayla has taught us much. How did the trip fare? Did the cannons fetch a good price? She asked looking at him. “They brought a very good price, cannons such as those are very rare as only a really large ship could take them. Any cannon fetches a premium price but those were large cannons, the men will be well paid.” Men began bringing supplies into the pavilion. Bags of flour, dried beans, spices and bags of salt. Felipe got up and opened a small trunk. He took out a quill, an ink bottle and several sheaves of paper and handed them to the princess. She thanked him and hurried back to her cabin. Felipe lost his appetite and put his bowl down. Andreas came and sat beside him. “She is writing the letter to her father now. It appears that she cannot wait to go home.” Felipe said. Andreas could tell that this troubled Felipe. He thought about how to make him feel better about this. He took a stick and began to scrawl a picture of a ship in the dirt and finally said, “It is all that she has ever known. She has everything there, the world is at her feet. She is the heir to the throne, soon to be the Queen of the most powerful country on earth. Should she not want to leave?” “I know, I just hoped that she would not.” Felipe said wistfully. He got up and walked to the shoreline as he always did when he was troubled. He stared out at his ship and tried to take his mind off of it by planning his next raid, going over the details in his mind. A short time later she appeared with a letter folded in her hand. “I want you to read this.” she said. “I do not need to read it, you know what to say.” he said without looking at her. “No, you need to read this please, for me.” she said and held the letter out to him. He unfolded the letter and read. Father, Our ship was attacked by pirates, Angelica and I were taken captive. We have been treated very well and are in good health. These are not ordinary men father, they are noble men who all hate you and for good reason. They know that you would pay a very large ransom for me but they do not seek wealth, only revenge for the wrongs that you and your men have perpetrated against the common man. I have learned much from them. I am now friends with those who were once slaves. I now know that you make money from their sorrow. They are people Father, just like you and I, not animals to be whipped, bought and sold. You condone this and I cannot forgive you for this. The man who leads these pirates was falsely accused of piracy when it was obvious that he was innocent. His was father murdered by the Viceroy’s own men. His father was an honest man, yet they killed him just for the money. The Viceroy arrests men for false charges just so he can seize their land. He is becoming a very rich man by oppressing the honest people there. This is how your corrupt government operates in the new colonies. My man has sworn to avenge his father’s death. I understand his hatred of you and your men and I have come to respect and to love him. I do not intend to come home. I will stay here with him. I hope that he asks for my hand in marriage which I will gladly give. May God forgive you for your sins against humanity, I never shall. Your Daughter, Celeste. Felipe looked into her eyes but could not speak, he had no words. She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. She embraced him and they kissed passionately. She held his head cradled it her arms against her neck while he hungrily kissed the smooth skin of her neck. She asked, “ Can I stay with you? Will you have me rather than a ransom?” Felipe looked at her and was filled with happiness, “I always wanted you, not the ransom.” “Did you mean this?” he held up the letter. “Every word of it.” she said. “I mean the part about marrying me?” “Yes, if you ask me.” Felipe blurted out, “Will you marry me?” She looked down her nose at him with a small smile, “Is that a proper proposal for a princess?” “Forgive me,” He removed his hat and knelt on one knee, “I love you, will you marry me?” “Yes, of course I will. I love you also.” she smiled. Felipe kissed her again and took her hand. They began to walk back to the village. Felipe thought for a moment and said, “As it stands now, he does not know if you are alive or dead. Once you send that letter he will send all of his forces to seek you out.” “Are you worried?” She asked. “Me?” he laughed, “I am already a wanted man, there is a high price on my head not only for piracy but also for murdering the guard and the man who killed my father. No, I live to insult the King and this is the greatest insult to him of all. Now that he will know who it was that has stolen his daughter away and why, that will make it even better.” “You are not afraid?” she said. “Have you ever known me to be afraid? Add that I said that he can go to hell.” he said. “As you wish.” she said and kissed him again. “We must tell everyone and celebrate, Andreas will be very pleased.” Felipe said. As they approached the pavilion holding hands, everyone stopped talking and looked at them. Felipe held her hand above his head and said, “We are one!” The men cheered and the women rushed up to her and embraced her. They tugged her toward the fire and shouted a foreign word to the men. A drum beat started and they showed her the steps and how to move her hands. Slowly at first and then as she caught on more quickly. Angelica joined in and the women moved around the fire dancing to the lively beat. Batu nodded his head toward them and smiled, “A wedding dance.” he said. Andreas was overjoyed as was Jeanne Pierre. They gathered the lieutenants together and spoke as the women danced. “She has written her father a letter telling him of her choice to remain here with me. He will rally all of his forces in search of her. We will be hunted and I will blame no man if he chooses to leave my company.” Felipe said and looked at the men. Jeanne Pierre drew his sword and held it out in front of him with the tip high, “I am with you to the death.” “As am I” Batu said and he also drew his sword and touched Jeanne Pierre’s sword. Andreas, Ajamu and Tor also drew their swords ,Felipe did as well. They clicked their swords together and smiled. They slid their swords back into their scabbards and sat watching the women dance. Celeste held Felipe’s eye as she danced passed him smiling. “Well I guess this means that your pirating days are over.” Andreas said. “Like hell they are!” Felipe said and they all laughed. “We shall see, women have a way of changing men, you are yet to taste her charms.” Andreas said with a smile. [/QUOTE]
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