I have a 330 gallon pond with 3 Sarasa and 3 Shubbies. The water is clear, the values have been in line for 2 weeks (I check every morning with liquid API test).
Despite the net, I have a lot of organic matter falling from a very large Crepe Myrtle. I have been doubling the dose of Muck Defense and Clarity Defense which is doing a pretty good job of staying in front of the issue. I decided to try Clarity Max because I can apply directly and was told it would help in other ways.
Applied last night, today phosphate is 5.0ppm. Before applying ClarityMax it was 0ppm. Should I be concerned?
Despite the net, I have a lot of organic matter falling from a very large Crepe Myrtle. I have been doubling the dose of Muck Defense and Clarity Defense which is doing a pretty good job of staying in front of the issue. I decided to try Clarity Max because I can apply directly and was told it would help in other ways.
Applied last night, today phosphate is 5.0ppm. Before applying ClarityMax it was 0ppm. Should I be concerned?