My daughter and I are building a backyard pond with a waterfall. I keep saltwater fish and I use a sump for filtration. I am wondering if I can use a sump, similar to one used in my saltwater tank for filtration. I was considering installing a sump at/below ground level. I would pump the water from the pond into the sump and use another pump installed in the sump to pump the water up to a spillway waterfall. If the pump in the pond and the pump in the sump are plumbed using the same diameter pvc and each pump, pumps the same gph then the rate of return via the spillway should equal the rate of flow into the sump. Normally the sump is gravity fed by sitting below the tank, the amount of water that can enter the sump is controlled by the design of the tank and there is a maximum amount of water that can exit the tank preventing catastrophe. I have been unable to think of a way to reasonably gravity feed the sump. If one of my pumps fail bad things will happen! I have also considered placing the sump at the top of the waterfall and allow gravity to feed the water back into the pond. It would be much harder to hide this mammoth filtration device, but bad things wont happen if my pump were to fail. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you