Getting the travel trailer ready to go to Mexico, there was a "Beep" or more like a "Chirp" every sixty seconds. It sounded like it was coming from the upper left rear corner. I laid on the bunk up there, then it sounded like it was coming from the floor. My fiance looked and couldn't find it either. The smoke alarm had no batteries in it, I replaced them and it tested out good. The low propane detector also showed green. I called the dealership and they said it had to be a CO2 detector, located near the floor. We looked for weeks, then moved the trailer, now it was even louder?
My son in law looked and he gave up too. I read and searched "beeping" on RV forums and another person was vexed with the same problem. He said the sound bounced around and he couldn't find his source of beeps also. I emailed the manufacturer with no results. It was driving me crazy as it would be impossible to sleep with this going on.
Then I called my buddy Greg. He came over and crawled up on the top bunk. He said he had the same problem IN HIS HOUSE and it turned out to be a digital watch that had a low battery. He asked if there was a GPS or anything in the RV with batteries. There were only 2 remote controls for the TV and DVD player, and even though I knew they don't beep, I held them up to my ears. I told him, "You can even hear it outside." so he went outside while I waited inside. He shouted, "It's coming from over here!"
I walked out and he was pointing at my kayak trailer. There, in a crate, was an old smoke detector with the battery dying. I told him, "Put it in your pants and come inside." Then called my fiance into the room. :lol:
My son in law looked and he gave up too. I read and searched "beeping" on RV forums and another person was vexed with the same problem. He said the sound bounced around and he couldn't find his source of beeps also. I emailed the manufacturer with no results. It was driving me crazy as it would be impossible to sleep with this going on.
Then I called my buddy Greg. He came over and crawled up on the top bunk. He said he had the same problem IN HIS HOUSE and it turned out to be a digital watch that had a low battery. He asked if there was a GPS or anything in the RV with batteries. There were only 2 remote controls for the TV and DVD player, and even though I knew they don't beep, I held them up to my ears. I told him, "You can even hear it outside." so he went outside while I waited inside. He shouted, "It's coming from over here!"
I walked out and he was pointing at my kayak trailer. There, in a crate, was an old smoke detector with the battery dying. I told him, "Put it in your pants and come inside." Then called my fiance into the room. :lol: