My original intention was to create a sieve filter just like the one shown in your picture, John.
That idea has morphed. I now plan to contruct a large settlement chamber - my "axial-flow solids separator" and have it remove the largest particles and heaviest suspended solids first. The output of that will dump into a short, squatty barrel.
The bottom of that squatty barrel will be cut out and replaced with this SS mesh screen. The interior of the barrel (atop the SS mesh) will contain Matala sheet media (two layers of varying density, 1.5" thick each) to capture the larger stuff that passes through the first stage and traps it before it reaches the SS mesh.
This squatty barrel will sit atop a 55 gallon barrel with a moving Kaldness media system and aerator inside. The water from the squatty barrel will rain into the biological conversion moving media tank.
The squatty barrel isn't permanately attached to the top of the bio-converter tank, it just sits on top with a seal around it. If the Matala media gets dirty, I just pull it out and rinse it off. If the SS mesh gets dirty, I disconnect the fill pipe and lift the squatty barrel off the bio-converter barrel and set it in the yard or driveway upside down and spray it clean with the garden hose or power washer.