I bought a house 6 months ago and have inherited a pond with it. It is raised,set into ugly concrete , is under a wooden awning that leaks rain water and the far side is almost unreachable as it is against the wall. There were 5 goldfish and one koi, but there are now only four goldfish gasping at the surface every day. I bought an aerator but it only seems to raise a worse smell from the water than is already there. There is a pump but it looked a home made job ( like most things in this house) so I switched it off. When I tried to reactivate it it pumped out dark red/black stuff and soon after my koi died so I turned it off again. I've put a few pondweed plants in there but I think it need drastic action to save the remaining fish. I am on a water meter so if I can sort this out without changing the water that would be better but I will change it if need be for the sake of the fish.