Removing Fish

May 13, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi, a couple of years ago I introduced a dozen small golden orfe, they are now quite big and I understand about to get bigger!

I am worried that they are taking most of the natural food from my 8 goldfish.

I have decided to remove them and find a better home either in a natural pond near me or the canal, the snag is trying to catch them. Whenever I go anywhere near them with the net they go down to the bottom of the pond and evade the net, the goldfish on the other hand swim into the net.

Other than draining the pond to the lower level, is there any other way of getting them out?
Oct 4, 2019
Reaction score
Winchester, VA
Hardiness Zone
United States
I would not release them in any natural pond or canal. They could breed there and become a problem, overpopulating and outcompeting the fish there..

I have orfes and goldfish in my pond and they coexist very well. I do feed my fish though. As long as your pond is large enough and you have enough filtration for them all, they will be fine.

They are very fast and are very difficult to catch with a regular net. We have a seining net that we can stretch across the pond and slowly walk it to one end of the pond with a person on each side of the pond. With all the fish corralled that way, it's pretty easy to net the ones you want

Please find someone with a large fish pond to take them. Don't release them in the wild.
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Hi, a couple of years ago I introduced a dozen small golden orfe, they are now quite big and I understand about to get bigger!

I am worried that they are taking most of the natural food from my 8 goldfish.

I have decided to remove them and find a better home either in a natural pond near me or the canal, the snag is trying to catch them. Whenever I go anywhere near them with the net they go down to the bottom of the pond and evade the net, the goldfish on the other hand swim into the net.

Other than draining the pond to the lower level, is there any other way of getting them out?
What city and state are you located in? Yvonne

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