Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
I will be adding a new turtle pond pretty soon that will be the same as my other basic turtle only ponds which are 2,000 to 2,800 gallons and around 3 to 3.5 feet deep. Anyway I thought it would be neat to revisit an earlier project I did and make the new pond a scale model of Hawaii & surrounding pacific so that the pond is the pacific ocean and the islands will make up the basking docks and cave/hides and filter housings. I have a Linux program I wrote a few years ago that can take a topographical image and scale it down as well as generate schematics and CNC inputs to cut patterns and parts etc. It is a lot easier than you may think. If anyone is interested in doing something like this yourself then I would be happy to share the programs and knowledge so you can create your own. Basically if you have a map or satellite image of the land/water area then my program can generate the plans to make a scale replica. Also even though the program software is Linux/Unix it will work on any PC but will not work on Apple because I refuse to program anything for their products. So if you have Windows or Linux you're good to go.