I started 3 lotuses from seed this June and my god they grew so much in just a couple months. They completely took over my 22" diameter pot that I put them in. So I have the potted lotus in temporary tubs right now but will be digging to make a new pond very soon. Its just going to be a small pond specifically dedicated for my 3 lotuses. So probably around an 8 foot diameter sized pond. So before I start digging to make my pond, I'd like to know how big the lotuses ultimately get. That way I can decide whether to make my pond bigger or not. I heard some people say 4 ft diameter pots which sounded crazy to me. I hope they don't get that big.
PS: I really don't care about the aesthetics of the pond, I'm already building a 100ft stream right next to it so I really don't need anything fancy.
PS: I really don't care about the aesthetics of the pond, I'm already building a 100ft stream right next to it so I really don't need anything fancy.