Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
I can not believe what just happened I was checking email and all of a sudden the low water alarm in pond 2 went off followed by 4 and then the flood alarm in the QT went off and I went to look to see if they were shorting out maybe and to my shock pond 2 has completely washed out taking all 12 of my largest koi with it . The turtle rescue building that has the quarantine and short stay tanks has about 5 inches of water literally running through it like a river and not even from the pond but from the levee and storm drain on the north side that also washed out. This is awful ... Also my largest pond is running over the edges and thats with the sump going wide open. I cant even see 1 inch into it because the water is chock full of mud, sticks and every other hunk of that has washed in.... Please keep me in your thought guys cause this is truly a disaster talk about a lump of coal for Christmas