Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
After several days of cleaning up the mess from the washouts and not finding anymore survivors I have decided on what my course of action will be moving forward. I am not going to bring the two ponds back up but rather build one large and safer one instead. It will be about 8,000 gallons and I am already pouring a water break in case of another flood. Also there will be a 16" wall surrounding the pond with drains and sump pumps in case of heave rain or if they get topped by a flow of water. I am upgrading the high-low water alarms and I am going to put a plan in place to transfer my koi into one of the turtle rescue builds rapidly should another event take place. Once I break ground I will probably upload progress pictures.
PS: This pond will be a common area for koi & turtles both.
PS: This pond will be a common area for koi & turtles both.