Update: the pond major dimensions are 12x15 with the deep end around 30” and shallow end at waterfall and bog at 20”. The bog is 20” deep with a V-shaped bottom. The pump output is split about 50:50 between bog and waterfall/filter.
I started out digging the pond and hit water so had to switch to some of pond above ground. Bottom was so sticky with clay I added a 2” concrete bottom to deep parts and a drain across bottom to let water under pond escape. I purchased a heavy duty tarp and cut it to size for the whole bottom to cover up the clay and make it easier to work in the pond. I left the tarp in when I added the underlayment and the liner. The stone walls are sitting on a concrete sill all around and are either cemented in place or glued. The plumbing is all 2” PVC to get the maximum flow rate, 3,300 gph. Our water is hard from the city but I have not cracked open the master pond test kit to get in pond results.
This coming week will be finishing bog (more gravel) and plants and sorting out how to finish the liners from bog and waterfall that lap into pond. Adding plants around pond is also on agenda. Shubunkins are on the agenda after a few more weeks to finish up all the important stuff. Will start with 3 small fish.
Please comment if I missed anything of interest or am making mistakes, this is my first pond!