Pike pond

Aug 12, 2020
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Hello guys. Im about to make a pond/pool in my garden, but I want to keep pikes in it. So my question is: Can i make a pond without filter but with moving water (Oxygen in the water like a water spring)? and alot of oxygen plants. Wildlife pikes dont have filter in the sea, but it have alot of plants? Technically it just need oxygen imo? Can it work? Or will the pike die?

Hope u will answer. Thank you

Binh Ly


Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
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United States
Hello and welcome!

Pike, huh? Wow, they get big, and aren’t they loner, carnivorous cannibals?

When you say they don’t have filters in the sea, that’s not really true — the entire body of water acts as a filter. Same for oxygen. The motion of the waves and the vast openness of the sea (or whatever body of water), huge surface area, and plants provide oxygen.

The reason that ponds need help with filtration and aeration has everything to do with the fact that humans are placing fish in an artificial environment. That artificial environment can’t compete with what Mother Nature provides, so to keep our fish healthy and happy, we have to supplement what they would normally get in the wild.

Some fish do well in captivity, some just won’t do well in captivity. I don’t know enough about pike to know what they they require. But my advice would be to do as much research as possible on the particular fish you have in mind — you will want to duplicate its environment as much as possible. But before you even get that far, learn all you can about fish-keeping, including the nitrogen cycle.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
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You mention the sea. Aren't Pike fresh water fish? Maybe there's also a salt water variety? When I think Pike, I think (fresh water) Northern Pike and Pickerel. Those Northern Pike can get tremendous. I've seen some done by taxidermists that, if I recall correctly, were 5-6 feet long.
We have a lot of Chain Pickerel in the lakes around here in PA. They are indeed voracious carnivores. They decimate a lot of other species such as bass, sunnies, crappies, etc.
Sep 5, 2019
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S.E. Vermont
Hardiness Zone
United States
Hello guys. Im about to make a pond/pool in my garden, but I want to keep pikes in it. So my question is: Can i make a pond without filter but with moving water (Oxygen in the water like a water spring)? and alot of oxygen plants. Wildlife pikes dont have filter in the sea, but it have alot of plants? Technically it just need oxygen imo? Can it work? Or will the pike die?
How many acres is your garden and how many of them will become the new pond? It sounds like you are planning a fishing pond, not a garden pond, if you are looking to stock pike. Garden ponds and fishing ponds have different needs. According to sport fish stocking resources, for a pond 1 acre in size and at least 8 feet deep, you should only stock 2-4 pike per surface acre. So just keep in mind that if you stock with northern pike or muskie, they eat any other fish in the pond, and they have to be fed other fish. For muskies (closely related to northern pike, but bigger), they recommend only 1-2 fish per surface acre, some guides say that you can have up to 4 northern pike per acre while others stick to no more than 2 per acre. Keep in mind that you can't stock just pike: they have to eat something, so you have to not only consider the two pike an acre can support, but also the stock of something they will eat (like bass) and since they eat constantly and aggressively, you will likely need to restock that food source repeatedly unless the food source fish is well established before adding any pike. Guides say pike eat bass, and to stock 50 bass per acre. Logically, that seems to imply that you can stock half pike and half bass, at half the rates, so if it's max 4 pike, and max 50 bass, you should be able to stock 2 pike and 25 bass in a single acre pond. You'll also need to stock something to feed the bass though. You will have to continually restock them if you choose minnows alone, but it can be done. Many resources say to stock minnows to feed bluegill, stock bluegill to feed bass, stock bass to feed pike. What it boils down to is how many acres is your pond, and if your answer is less than 2, it's just not practical to stock it with pike because they require so many other fish be stocked to support them. They also reportedly do not do well in small bodies of water, preferring large lakes. Most sport fishing ponds require aeration, which can be read about at https://americansportfish.com/services/pond-maintenance/aeration and http://www.dunnsfishfarm.com/aeration.htm.



Jul 3, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
You mention the sea. Aren't Pike fresh water fish? Maybe there's also a salt water variety? When I think Pike, I think (fresh water) Northern Pike and Pickerel. Those Northern Pike can get tremendous. I've seen some done by taxidermists that, if I recall correctly, were 5-6 feet long.
We have a lot of Chain Pickerel in the lakes around here in PA. They are indeed voracious carnivores. They decimate a lot of other species such as bass, sunnies, crappies, etc.
Chain pickerel can go into brackish water, we catch them in the tributaries of the Chesapeake bay.

Anyhow, you could keep a Solitary pickerel in a decent size garden pond, even without stocking fish for them to feed on. Obviously, as long as you feed them, something that meets their nutritional requirements. I imagine If you kept more than one, though if one got bigger than the other, it would end up as dinner, as they tend to be solitary. You would need a Good filter system of some sort, be it plants or a man made filter, as carnivorous fish create a lot of waste and are messy eaters.

If you are trying to create a self sustaining population, then you would need to build a large pond as @Phaewryn mentioned.
Aug 12, 2020
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Hello and welcome!

Pike, huh? Wow, they get big, and aren’t they loner, carnivorous cannibals?

When you say they don’t have filters in the sea, that’s not really true — the entire body of water acts as a filter. Same for oxygen. The motion of the waves and the vast openness of the sea (or whatever body of water), huge surface area, and plants provide oxygen.

The reason that ponds need help with filtration and aeration has everything to do with the fact that humans are placing fish in an artificial environment. That artificial environment can’t compete with what Mother Nature provides, so to keep our fish healthy and happy, we have to supplement what they would normally get in the wild.

Some fish do well in captivity, some just won’t do well in captivity. I don’t know enough about pike to know what they they require. But my advice would be to do as much research as possible on the particular fish you have in mind — you will want to duplicate its environment as much as possible. But before you even get that far, learn all you can about fish-keeping, including the nitrogen cycle.

Thanks for fast asnwers guys. Really appreciate it. I dont know with acres, but i will have a small pool, like 3x3x1 meter deep.
I will have aerotion in the pool. Just not filters.So you say i can have a specific species in the pool, if i dont have filtration but alot of ilt plants and alot of moving water? I will be feeding small basses, and other fish. I will be fishing them myself, mostly everyday. You think it will work, or do i need 50 small basses or minnows for it everytime?

PS* My english is not very good. Im living in Denmark, and I just started ponding, 2 month ago.


Jul 3, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
In a pond that size you will have a tough time maintaining water quality with multiple pickerel ( which don’t get as large as pikes/muskies) and no filter. All of these species ( even the smaller red and grass pickerel)are high waste producers, and messy eaters so you would want some type of mechanical filter to catch all the fish parts that will be floating in the water, beyond just plants. All these fish prefer still waters, as well, so a massive amount of flow isn’t ideal for them.

The question really is what is your goal? how many are you planning to try and keep in that pond? You fishing for them for sport or to eat them? If you are fishing them out every day it sounds like you want to keep a lot of fish in there. That is going to be tough.....As mentioned, they will eat any and all smaller fish including each other.
Aug 12, 2020
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In a pond that size you will have a tough time maintaining water quality with multiple pickerel ( which don’t get as large as pikes/muskies) and no filter. All of these species ( even the smaller red and grass pickerel)are high waste producers, and messy eaters so you would want some type of mechanical filter to catch all the fish parts that will be floating in the water, beyond just plants. All these fish prefer still waters, as well, so a massive amount of flow isn’t ideal for them.

The question really is what is your goal? how many are you planning to try and keep in that pond? You fishing for them for sport or to eat them? If you are fishing them out every day it sounds like you want to keep a lot of fish in there. That is going to be tough.....As mentioned, they will eat any and all smaller fish including each other.

I want to keep1-2 pikes in the pond. and fishing everyday i mean for small basses
Jun 7, 2014
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Beebe, Arkansas
I'm not sure why you'd want to do it. You'll never be able to see them. Many wild fish have beautiful markings from the side but from the top they are camouflaged to blend in with their habitat. Nature designed wild fish to not be seen from above by predators. And you'll be viewing from above, and you'll have a hard seeing them, if at all. That's why koi and goldfish were bred for bright colors to be seen from above. Seems to me like a lot of work for not much viewing enjoyment.
Jun 7, 2014
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Beebe, Arkansas
Thanks for fast asnwers guys. Really appreciate it. I dont know with acres, but i will have a small pool, like 3x3x1 meter deep.
I will have aerotion in the pool. Just not filters.So you say i can have a specific species in the pool, if i dont have filtration but alot of ilt plants and alot of moving water? I will be feeding small basses, and other fish. I will be fishing them myself, mostly everyday. You think it will work, or do i need 50 small basses or minnows for it everytime?

PS* My english is not very good. Im living in Denmark, and I just started ponding, 2 month ago.
That size seems extremely small for what you want to do if I'm understanding it correctly. Personally I do not think it will work.
Aug 12, 2020
Reaction score
That size seems extremely small for what you want to do if I'm understanding it correctly. Personally I do not think it will work.
well 3x3x1 meters? Is that not enough?
But if you keep a couple of pike in the pond, don’t you think they will prey upon the bass? That is their nature!
Thats the point i guess? Ill fish the their "food" u know?

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