LMAO!! This thread brings back newbie memories [oh, but I'm
still a newb, so does that mean they were "pre-newb" memories?].
I still remember the very first time I read somewhere [here, maybe....?] about feeding
PEELED GREEN PEAS.....say what? I had visions of literally PEELING a tiny green pea -- like peeling a banana or an orange -- a skit from
The Three Stooges or
Laurel & Hardy -- using a teeny, tiny little knife..... I thought,
"Those people are
WAY too much into this fish hobby!
Of course, at the time I hadn't thought it through, that you could just POP the pea out of it's shell, but I will never forget how I laughed out loud at THOSE CRAZY PEOPLE!
....... and now I'm one of 'em......
I just started doing the "green pea thing," but I bought a bag of frozen peas. I microwave however many I need in water for a few minutes, and let them cool before I feed them to the fish. Hubby suggested canned peas, but even the "no salt added" ones have some kinds of preservatives in them [don't they?]. I also thought about baby food peas in a jar [no preservatives]. I used some in my fry gel food recipe, but haven't tried them from-the-jar on the fish yet. It might work, but seems like that would be messier than using the real thing.