So, if this size of a pond isn’t allowed, let me know. You all were so helpful with my smaller pond I thought you might have some ideas for my 1/2 acre pond!
for some reason, this year plant growth exploded, I’m in the central Virginia area.
anyway, any thoughts on how I might breast clean it up? It has bass, crappie, one sterile grass carp (other one died), and catfish. Plus lots of feeder fish.
part of me wants to spray an aquatic plant killer. Maybe I should just do that in sections over time? I also thought about turning it blue again to prevent light from getting to the under water plants, but the pond is steam fed and that only lasts a bit until the water has circulated fully.
for some reason, this year plant growth exploded, I’m in the central Virginia area.
anyway, any thoughts on how I might breast clean it up? It has bass, crappie, one sterile grass carp (other one died), and catfish. Plus lots of feeder fish.
part of me wants to spray an aquatic plant killer. Maybe I should just do that in sections over time? I also thought about turning it blue again to prevent light from getting to the under water plants, but the pond is steam fed and that only lasts a bit until the water has circulated fully.