The chicken wire is two foot, I have it so it is up off the ground for the frogs etc to have access. The only thing that has bothered our pond is the heron, the chicken wire keeps it from being able to walk in and snack. So far this year, the green heron came twice, smaller bird, had to make sure it could not walk the bog wall.
Ow no heron, this year yet, I even took down the piece of fence I had going over the top of the pond, got tired of it being there for, at this time, no reason. But I put it back when we leave town. It keeps the heron from being able to fly in.
You can pick up a ip camera, a single camera that transmits to your computer via wifi. It sends pictures with movement, around 79 dollars or so. They are day / night capable. The picture is not as nice as a wired camera, you can wire it so you don't depend on the wifi.