Ours in on a slope, pretty steep slope. The upside of the pond I had to dig down 4 feet to make the upper edge of the pond, built up the down slope side of the pond by about 8 feet. That 4 feet up slope side, is covered with rocks, stacked in a step fashion, the top rock further back then the one it is resting on. At the top of the rock wall I built up the dirt edge so it has a 2-3 inch back slope away from the pond. About 1 foot in from the top edge of the slope I dug a ditch, maybe 4 inches deep 5 inches wide, filled it with gravel, covered with land scape fabric to direct water around the pond. During the digging of the pond and shaping the slope I made it so the slope at the center of the pond is the highest point, towards both ends of the pond the ground drops away. Not a dramatic slope, maybe a few inches or so. Doing the above the water runs down the slope and paths around the pond. We have had some horrendous rains, so far no issues with it running under the liner or into the pond from the slope.
While I was building, during every storm I went out with an umbrella (non lightening storms lol) watched how the water ran down the slope. If we were having thunderstorms I would watch the water flow with binocs to see how the rain water tracked down the slope. Made notes and after the storm went out and fixed any issues I saw. After the build I had only one area on the stream that water flowed into, had to build up the edge by a little to back slope away from the stream.
The slope from the house down I made it so the water would flow to the right or left not down into the pond.
The pea gravel path we put in washes down with hard rains, I just shovel the pea gravel back up. but it is doing what I planned, paths the water away from the pond.
part of our slope