Hi. I live in Va and my husband and I built an aquascape pond this year. It's been my dream for many years, and I can't believe it's actually in the backyard now. I'm an avid gardener, and have many plants inside and outside of the pond. It's 2500 gallons, and we have about 12-14 fish in there. 6 koi and at least 6 goldfish, a couple black goldfish, and one cool looking fish that I've named halfbreed because he really does look like a cross between a goldfish and a koi. Don't know if that's possible as they've only been in there for 3 months, but he's a cool fish. We've had our ups and downs already with our pond, and we've already learned a few things the hard way. We lost a few fish due to our stupidity, but hope to not have that issue again. We love our pond, and I hate that fall is closing in already. I look forward to reading about everyone's ponds here.