I am boatman,I build canoes and kayaks,but the reason I am here is because I have a pond about 6X10 with a waterfall,its about 18 inches deep and has various size rocks on the sides and bottom,I have an 1800gph pump and have the skimmer located at the far end of the pond.I have just opened up the pond and it looks great but how do I keep it that way? I live in michigan and this is my 3rd year for the pond.It will look real good for about 1 month I have been using aqua clear and I think that does a great job I also use algae buster,I don't have a big problem with string algae,its the other type that grows on the rocks that I do not like,I have been told that this is the good algae but I would just as soon not have it.Any way I will probably be asking alot of questions in the future.