This is a Girl Scout project. Their mission was to balance the eco system in the pool and to educate others. Our pond is located in an alcove in a church. The girls emptied the overgrown plants (iris and grasses) and the 3 little fish. We drained the water, scrubbed and power washed the cement pond. We found that the pump was not functioning properly and we need a new one. They have kept us waiting to receive the part and both the plants and fish have been stressed. Sad news today, the fish were belly up when I checked them today. I'm over no one taking responsibility for their actions when the ball is in their court. So, with that said, I need guidance in finding the right paint for this already painted pond that really doesn't seem to have leeks but needs to be resealed. It is outside but inside the church walls (sheltered a bit). The original paint was a pale blue, We have no pond stores left in town to seek advice. On the internet, everybody seems to say epoxy is the way to go. It's expensive so I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the sealants they have at Home Depot. Thanks so much for your thoughts in advance.