
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
I recently made a trip to south Louisiana to visit with Fishin4cars and get some fish (Wakin) that he was holding for me. I also came home with a gorgeous Shubie, so got 4 very nice fish from Larkin! Also visited a place that breeds and sells koi and goldfish. Larkin had alerted me that they had a new batch of Shubies that were worth looking at. Well, there I got 5 Shubies, one red & white fantail, and one calico fantail.

Tried to take some pics this afternoon, and while they're not the best, they give an idea of what my new little guys (or girls) look like. Realized that I was so focused on getting my 5 Shubies and 2 fantails, that I failed to get shots of the ones from Larkin. So that will be another day. Note that the water is a little cloudy -- that's from zeolite and oyster shells, recently added. Also, in a few shots it might look like a fish has "spots," but it's just a piece of trash in the water, or a reflection!
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg # 4 & 5 are of the same fish -- though you can't tell from the pics, it has an almost neon look! image.jpg the "neon" guy and this one are my favorites -- this one is shadow "blue" with a gorgeous tail!image.jpgimage.jpg # 7 & 8 are of the same fish, red & white fantail, Sarasa-patterned -- pics don't do him justice! image.jpg And last but not least is a beautiful calico fantail -- stunning tail!

Sorry the pics aren't the best.


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
GREAT selection! I love the assortment. I like the first one and the last fantails the best. However, One of your favorites is NOT going to hold it's look, The good news is, It's going to get FAR better, The blue one with the small spots. Your going to love to watch this one grow and develop. Same as the first pic, that one too is going to take on some nice changes as it grows, I can already seem the dark pigment coming in through the skin and it's should form some ink black patches between the two red spots. As this one grows it's going to look more and more like a butterfly koi. The Blue one is going to get a silver blue color with small black dots, Something I also notice about the blue one, one red ere one blue eye. Another trait I personally like and look for. All seem to have great tails. I do see what looks like a small bend in the Sarasa's tail. However, for that pattern I would be able to look past that as well, It really has a very nice red and white pattern.
I would love to see more on the neon colored one. I've seen some from Mike and his Dad that had a metallic neon shine to them before. I was hoping you would find a blue like that but the orange should be fun to watch as well. that's one I haven't gotten from him and have no clue how it will develop. The third pic looks very similar to the one you got from me when it was young. that should give you some insight as to what to be prepared for. The Shubbie you got from me I got from Mike and his Dad three years ago. :)


Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
Thanks for the info, Larkin! Mike was the one who suggested a "blue" one. There were a few like it, but that one had the prettiest tail. Honestly, I hadn't even noticed its eyes -- it's the fastest/quickest one of the bunch, so I only get brief looks. But it sure does like to show off that flowy tail! The one that looks "neon," I for sure saw 2 in the tank and told Mike to catch either one. As soon as I spotted it/them, I fell for the color. Don't know if it's metallic, or what, but the light does have to catch it just right. The "Sarasa" patterned one is the red & white fantail. Maybe just a bad pic, 'cause it looks fine to me (to my untrained eye, that is).

I was most impressed with the way Mike caught the fish. When I picked one out, it was as if he was looking through MY eyes, and he was spot-on at catching the right fish every time! I asked him a little about how to choose a fish with good conformation (but bottom line was to choose what I liked, not what fit a standard).

So my big-guy Shubie is 3+ years old? Boy or girl? I've never seen a goldfish that big! When I feed, I've been sitting next to them with my hand in the water. "Big Guy" (gotta come up with a name :) ) will swim around my hand and lets me handle him a little. The little Shubie in the first picture is very friendly, as well. So far, the 3 Wakin check me out for food, and if it's not feeding time, they have better things to do. So one positive thing I can say about quarantine: it lets you get to know your fish and vice-versa!

EDIT @ 11:36 PM: just went out for my night rounds, and got a better look at the "Sarasa" fantail. There is a little bit of asymmetry in the tail. Hadn't noticed. But it's a pretty tail and it's functional, so as long as the fish is happy, I'm happy :)


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
I think the one shubie you got from me is male but not 100% certain. And yes it's at least three if not four years old. By far not one of the largest I have raised but for color and size it was one of the better ones for sure. I have noticed for what ever reason that fantails tend to be more shy and head out to do their own thing than shubies and comets do. In a smaller pond fish tend to get more comfortable and personal with the person that feeds them, once moved they may become shy again, just keep doing the same thing and in no time they will be back friendly as they were in the QT.

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