Hi all,
I am including the link to the filter I built for my pond. Once in a blue moon
like years I do dump it and clean it. I haven't though since I added worms
to the Aquaponic part we added later. The worms go into the media and
eat the sludge. The sludge build up was the only reason to clean the filter
This filter is every thing it is said to be. I have had every kind they make
before this and this one can't be beat. I got all the stuff together sat on my deck and made
it in 1 day. I don't know how he thought of it but I am glad he did and that I found it surfing about on the web.
Our aquaponic part that is not in the Skippy ( I had remembered it Froggy-I guess because of the little Frog).
is made from a smaller Rubbermaid watering trough, filled with clay media and has a bell valve to
make it fill and empty on it's own. We keep tomatoes or greens growing in it year round.
The plants use the fish waste for food and it cleans the water.
I will do pictures when the leaves and blooms stop falling from the tree over the pond and I can clean the
net over the pond now.