I found these @ $Tree. They are waste baskets but are plastic mesh. They are about 11 " or so tall. I have bought a bunch and added a pool noodle, zip tied around the top to float my WHyacinth in so their roots get a chance to grow w/o fish eating them. I also have one of those coconut mat liners at the bottom of one and have my newly sprouted Lotus floating in them. Oh, I forgot to mention, I leave the tails on the zip ties for Dragonfly's to light on. It is quite neat to see a bunch of dragonflys resting on the tips of the zip ties. The tails also keep birds from landing on the floaters in order to try to "pick off" the small goldfish.
But, I also saw last night, the fish had uprooted a section of Pickerel Rush and it was floating in the pond. Those were "bagged" in bird netting w a rock to help sink it. Now maybe it has grown so much that this piece was a "newbie" but it had quite a bit of tuber on it. It is now floating in one of my wastbasket floating planters, w8ing for me to re-sink it...I may place it away from the rest in a different spot today.