Hi all! I have been a member of this board for some time doing research and getting ideas. I have a 16-1800 gal pond that I built myself 6-7 years ago. Yesterday I built a skippy filter from a 100g stock tank. I connected the existing bio filter to the new Skippy filter thinking this would help the biological process along. I think I was really expecting a dramatic change in the green water when I got up this morning, and even though the water was a little clearer, it wasn't as drastic as I had hoped. When setting up a skippy filter on a new pond, their website says it usually takes 4-8 weeks for it to cycle. Anyone have any idea on how long it will take for my established pond to clear? I filled the top of the skippy filter with water Hyacinth and have plenty of submerged plants throughout the pond. The skippy filter has two pumps running into it and two three inch shower drains that supply the waterfall.