Well done, we have a spindrifter diffuser on our koi pond however we had to retrofit it into a new 4" fitting to save on cost , it worked very well for a while but then we hit a major problem .
The air in the diffuser kept on raising the spindrifter from the 4" fitting.
Not wanting to drain the pond and undo all the work we'd done to the pond I came upon a neat idea to stop it raising up .
Outside in th road around the corner from us sat a very sorry looking trafic cone , Ilooked at it picked it up and sort of brought it home with me , I mean it was in such a state only the vottom quater left that I thought hey they wont miss this one.
Once home I stripped the remaining bit of cone off the weighted bottom power washed it four times to get any road crud from it and bought a pot of pond paint.
I then gave it 4 coats of paint to seal it and theb got a broom handle which I placed just past the oppostie edge from me and slip it down the pole onto the top of the diffuser .
Then after a few minutes of repostioning it switched the air back on and bingo it worked a treat .
The hole in the weight had room to spare sitting attop the difuser so air came up unhingered ,There is enough room under the weighys edges to allow all the detritus to pass down into the bottom drain unhindered and last but not least the koi cannot move it .
A cheap and chearfull quick fix that you could think about should your pop up at any time