I thought I order my pond liner online. I thought it had a pretty long warranty. However I cannot find any of that information and really don't remember where it was purchased.
This winter it sprung a pretty good leak and I was lucky to notice it because the pond water covered up. I made it through the winter by adding water. It now has three patches but it felt pretty brittle when I was patching it.
I want to order another but I need some brand recommendation that hopefully last longer than 3 years. Luckily its not that big but its big enough that I am very annoyed. Around 15*20'.
This winter it sprung a pretty good leak and I was lucky to notice it because the pond water covered up. I made it through the winter by adding water. It now has three patches but it felt pretty brittle when I was patching it.
I want to order another but I need some brand recommendation that hopefully last longer than 3 years. Luckily its not that big but its big enough that I am very annoyed. Around 15*20'.