How many fish do you really have in your pond?

Aug 2, 2024
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United States
I have seen a number of posts about 100-250+ gallons per fish, and more if fish are large/breeding and less if fish are small, but really isn't it more about the filter quality and size than the pond size? How many fish does everyone really have in their ponds?

As long as you only feed them what the filter can handle, then you are also likely ok. I have seen a large number of fish in a small space thrive and a few fish in a large space die. It takes a combo of things to actually keep happy fish and ponds. I really like the post by addy but want to find some more on the specifics of others, understanding that might not work for everyone.

I am curious how people handle the volume of koi to bog to feeding and if there is another post on this some examples of what has worked for people in the past. I prefer the rule of 100 gallons per pound of fish rule and then only feed to the filter capacity, but if you are feed less than 10 times a week, that is likely not enough, 3-5 times a day seems more healthy IMO. At 100 gallons per pound, unless your filter/bog is oversized or limit feeding, your pond will be at its limit.

My experiences, are bit on the crowded and higher maintenance side, but generally worked for me as I am always finding a new fish and trying to find a spot for it. We have had 3 primary ponds.

Pond 1: 600 gallons, full sun, shallow and had an average of 10 koi, often more, but mostly small (6-8 inches) with maybe one or two 10-12 inch koi. The entire pond was a basically of a bog with gravel on the bottom, 3 or 4 lily pads and a 15 inch round waterfall with plants and bio balls. We added water plants (lettuce and hyacinth) to cover at least 50% of the pond during the summer (would go to 75%-100% and we would cut it back to 50%). To keep the fish and pond happy I had to clean the filter every 2 weeks and feed them about 20 times per week, 1-5 times a day. So about 6 pounds of fish in a 600 gallon tank, maybe one fish died every year or two. Would often go a month between cleanings, but you could tell after a month. Had this pond for over 20 years, my first.
(I did have fish die from predators and chlorine, but not counting that for this purpose)

Pond 2: 3,500 gallons, at least half shade had an average of 15 koi, mostly 12 inch, but 2 24 inch and a couple in the middle. Mixture of bog, 4-5 lilies plus water based plants. About 10% to 20% of the surface of the pond covered with plants and another 15-20 SF of bog space along with a bead filter, cleaned the filters about 1 per month. About 30-40 pounds of fish by my estimate, one fish dead every 2 to 3 years. Fed about twice a day on average. This pond lasted about 20 years before selling. Cleanout system for this pond was not ideal as the pond often struggled to be clear, but tests were usually good, I needed a better maintenance process on this pond.

Pond 3: 2,000 gallons, 7 koi about 15-16 inch each, less than 5% water based plants (floating), more shade than sun and until recently just a 4 SF plastic bog (but very mature) and a bead filter. Needed cleaned every other week, but rarely was. Fed the fish 1-3 times a day or 15 times a week. So about 20 pounds of fish, but I just increased the bog to 24 SF, that plus some floating plants I hope will allow me to keep a clean pond as these fish grow beyond 20 pounds as I wait another year for my future pond (planning to test going to 25 pounds of fish - but the bog+pond are 2,500 gallons so maybe still in my rule). This pond is only 4 years old. but only one fish has died. Clean out is easy with the bead filter, but not easy enough to always do on a schedule.

Future pond: I still have plans to build our dream pond to support all our fish as they outgrow our spaces. with 20,000+ gallons it should be able to support up to 50 fish as it matures.

So while I assume some consider this overstocked (I have never been in the 250+ gallon range), I am sure others have overstocked at times, if not, well I guess it has mostly worked for me.

Anyone else willing to share or link me to another post with more examples?
Sep 20, 2022
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Oh you go where angels fear to tread, lol. I will get my popcorn ready as I watch the replies.

I will say most of the "rules" are guidelines. With a garden pond you have so many variables there are bound to be people that are able to overstock for whatever reason and luck out, there are exceptions to every rule. For every person like you that is able to have a lot of fish there are several others who do not post about their experience of overstocking because they are embarrassed at what they did and the problems it causes.

Sometimes it takes a while for the effects of overstocking to show its ugly side. When you do overstock it leaves little room for error. You have to make sure your filter or bog are running optimally, feeding perfectly, that your plants are thriving, the weather cooperates, etc etc. When you are reasonable with the stocking then you have margin for error. It is better for people that are new to ponds (like me) to start conservative. I learned this summer that the fish have babies in much greater numbers than I thought and much earlier than I thought since this is the first summer and the fish were only about 4 inches long when I put them in.

It is working for you and that is great, the danger is that someone new to ponds sees this and thinks they can start off with 10 koi in a 1000 gallon pond which will just make @Lisak1 head explode.
Aug 2, 2024
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United States
I start with good intentions to limit, but then both my wife and I want a new one. Then we dig a new pond, add a filter or otherwise expand to meet the new space requirements. I end up putting more work than I want at times, but it keeps me out of other trouble. I am just looking for actual experiences and counts to get a well rounded idea of how others are doing it. Here is my current 2k pond which looks about perfect in fish to pond ratio to me, but yes they grow.
Sep 20, 2022
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United States
I filled my pond last September, 3700 gallons plus over 500 gallons in the bog, added 4 shubunkin gf last Fall and added 4 koi in May. Have had about a dozen babies, hard to keep track, most of them gf but there might be a couple of koi. The fish were only about 4-5 inches long. Have no idea on weight. No mechanical filters. Feed once a day, small amount and keep to the five minute rule. Lots of plants, the hyacinth is probably over a third of the pond.
Aug 2, 2024
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United States
good point on feeding, what is 1 or 5 times a day. I tend to do less than the 5 minute rule as I want my fish to fight a little and know that if I am there and dropping food they should hurry on over and get some. I will feed my 7 16 inch fish about 10 pounds of food this season maybe 15 pounds max, never really tracked that. I stop in Nov each year and then pick it up around march each year, seasons and all. July and August twice as much as June and September and three to 4 times as much as May and October. March and April and really light, maybe a couple times a week in March and then less than once a day in April.


Jul 3, 2017
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United States
Have a roughly 18-20000 gallon pond. I honestly go off experience, more so than any scientific studies, since. I have had ponds for a long time.

My pond has a crap ton of fish in it, maybe 10 koi are 24-30”, a massive catfish that is over 3’ long, around 8 orfes in the 18-24” range, more than I care to count in koi that are in the 12-18” range, as well as the little runts, 6 turtles, 2 species of dwarf blue gill, goldfish and a ton of white cloud minnows and rainbow dace.

Sun literally all day long, feed once a day at most a high quality feed, usually every other day they fish are fed, filters around 300 sq. Ft of bog between two on either end of the pond, and a crap ton of plants growing free in the pond, have had this pond for roughly 15 years (had another one for about 15 years before we moved)and about 4-5 years since the last add on/expansion. Have never had any issues with my ponds maintaining clarity or algae issues, why? I attribute to the ridiculous amount of fast growing plants I put in the pond, as well as the bog filters, at some point in the near future will probably have to start giving away koi, as predators can’t get at the fish anymore (wide weave net strung up high over the pond.

I pay more attention to how my fish are behaving, than following any pound or inch per gallon rules, as generalizations tend to lead to issues be it in fish keeping or whatever.
Mar 11, 2023
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Hardiness Zone
I've got 3 koi, and 10 goldfish/shubunkin in about 1100 gal. They are not big Koi, not yet anyway. Don't like to have many fish and if I could choose again I'd go for just goldfish instead of Koi cause Koi get too big for my taste and there's a greater responsibility, but for some reason Koi seems to be default when anyone talks about a pond so when I got some fish I got Koi.

I've been feeding too much though but floating plants and bog seem to take care of it and I don't feed much when it starts cooling. Goldfish breed, and actually a baby from last year has finally grew up in the past 4-5 months and it has this nice black/orange color which was great to see. I certainly have at least 7 tiny ones right now that can hardly be seen unless sun's shining. A month ago the pond's surface was water lettuce + hornwort but not much can compare with water lettuce it seems, and I've got maybe 2-3 hrs of sun and its dappled.

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