High Temperatures

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Many of us are feeling excepsionally high temperatures this summer both in the UK, Canada and The US.
I've heard 30c in Alaska Canada and now we owrselves are starting to get these hot fronts which are comming over from the coming from the European Continent and Russia.
Yesterday saw us at 31c, with 29c the day before. so if its this hot outside think about how warm the pond water is getting.
Our Pond came up at 24c and I've heard higher from friends dotted about the UK.
So I suggest if your in these high temperatures to keep an eye out for yur fish as they might start like our Golden Orfe did yesterday.
He took up position on the pipe returning filtered water back to the pond and stayed there.
Upon noticing this I though ok and thanx for the message turning up the air on the spindrifter adding extra to the pond which worked.
I also checked my readings all were ok however the Ph had dipped from 8 to a Ph of 7.5.
It's well within its limits but a change all the same. (worth noting and keeping a check on).
It may be an idea folks to keep an eye on your goldfish/fish/koi whilst we get through this hot spell however long its going to last :) :).
Try turning up your waterfalls and airstones, if you dont use them it may well be an idea to start




Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma Panhandle USA
The 5 day forecast shows highs from 79 to 91F. The past few days have been around 100F so it will be a relief. Everything is above ground for while I redo the inground ponds. Caring for them takes time.


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
all we have been getting is rain and supposed to get more rain ,Just about every day and very unusual for here ,but we are stuck in rain mode with high humidity .Can't even keep up with grass cutting it is just too wet .But gosh is every thing green,I feel like i moved to Ireland .Temps have been all over the place .


  • pond june 27th 2013 055.JPG
    pond june 27th 2013 055.JPG
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  • pond june 27th 2013 052.JPG
    pond june 27th 2013 052.JPG
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Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Yes sissy know whar you mean, it was like you have last year even the moss on the foot paths startedto grow yt everything looked green you could see it more than anything else.
This years summer has been a suprise for us Brits , we are normally manking about the rain now we are all mamking about things being way too hot.
In other words we brits are never happy with what we get. :eek:




Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I don't complain I just enjoy all the green .We are usually in the dry season here but there has been more rain than i have ever seen .Great for the wells also here ,but flooding in some areas have been really bad ..I went across the road and across the empty lot and the stream down there is flowing more like a river .The river got a bucket of tadpoles :cheerful:


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Dave 54 said:
Many of us are feeling excepsionally high temperatures this summer both in the UK, Canada and The US.
I've heard 30c in Alaska Canada and now we owrselves are starting to get these hot fronts which are comming over from the coming from the European Continent and Russia.
Yesterday saw us at 31c, with 29c the day before. so if its this hot outside think about how warm the pond water is getting.
Our Pond came up at 24c and I've heard higher from friends dotted about the UK.
So I suggest if your in these high temperatures to keep an eye out for yur fish as they might start like our Golden Orfe did yesterday.
He took up position on the pipe returning filtered water back to the pond and stayed there.
Upon noticing this I though ok and thanx for the message turning up the air on the spindrifter adding extra to the pond which worked.
2) I also checked my readings all were ok however the Ph had dipped from 8 to a Ph of 7.5.
It's well within its limits but a change all the same. (worth noting and keeping a check on).
It may be an idea folks to keep an eye on your goldfish/fish/koi whilst we get through this hot spell however long its going to last :) :).
1) Try turning up your waterfalls and airstones, if you dont use them it may well be an idea to start



1) Whilst we get through this hot spell however long its going to last, try turning up your waterfalls and airstones, if you dont use them it may well be an idea to start

Very good advice. Dissolved Oyxgen and Temperatures. Eventhough the water might be at its saturation point, depending on the number of plants on the surface, the rate of oxygen penetration might not be high enough to keep the oxygen at its saturation point. In cooler temperatures, since the saturation point is higher, there is much more wiggle room, but, in hot temperatures, there is very little wiggle room for the water's oxygen saturation to fluctuate and still be healthy enough for the fish and bio-filtration. So, increase water circulation through waterfalls or fountains or streams or airstones that move the water will significantly improve replenishment rates to obtain a health range of oxygen for the fish and bio-filtration. Otherwise, in cooler temperatures, water circulation or aeration should be done for other reasons.

2) I also checked my readings all were ok however the Ph had dipped from 8 to a Ph of 7.5.

For anyone curious as to why... As temperatures increase, then the stoichemistry changes to that of ionizing chemicals and gases in the water. For example, a very common inorganic chemical we deal with and fish produce is Ammonia. Fish release ammonia in the form of NH3 (toxic, free-ionized ammonia). When ammonia dissolves into water, then it becomes ammonium according to pH and water; read for an explanation further about this (post#2). As the temperature increases, then pressure changes, energy changes, and other variables causing the existing ammonium (NH4+) to release a free hydrogen cation (H+) and this is one of the variables causing the pH to go down, that is if your KH is not at a proper value.


Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
Dave 54 said:
I've heard 30c in Alaska Canada
Sorry to inform you, Dave, but Alaska is a state of the US. You can't blame that one on us! :cheerful:

Dave 54 said:
In other words we brits are never happy with what we get. :eek:


FINALLY someone has explained my mother-in-law! :bdaybiggrin:


Electro-Mechanical Engineer
Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Phoenix AZ
Ok the AZ guy is getting worried about temperature. I don't know what to look for. My pond is 2000+ gallons, covered, and the chemistry is nominal. But I am in the Phoenix Valley and we have been having 110-118 degree weather regularly. That is (43 to 48C). My water temperature is 90F (32.2C) in the peak of the day. I am only worried because other people see wored about temps significantly lower.

My fish are very active, and eating ferociously. In an 8 min window, they are eating double what they would eat when the water temperature was 10 degree cooler.

I have no flashing or reason to feel worried, but I am new to this game. Should I be watching for something? My young fish have doubled in size in the last 30 days is that normal. 4 months old, 7 inches long? Should I slow the feeding? I use my amonia, nitrites, nitrates, and phosphates as a judge to feed, all are 0 if not very close to it.

FYI, the pond is covered and gets shade for a large part of the day. I have a 3x factor on gallons of water in the pond to gallons per hour of pumping. I have plants that cover 30% of the water surface. (we had a spawn a month ago, and I have babies in the plants ) There is two waterfalls, a fountain, and many air stones in the pond. So I am hoping that I have enough o2 in the water. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated! Is temperature a problem, or just o2?


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
When I had my pond in arizona, the fish did fine (goldfish, shubunkins) in the heat of the valley. I only had a waterfall, no aerator etc. About 5-6 hours of sun.
North west part of the valley, pinnacle and 51st ave


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
These situations always depends on the number of fish in the pond and other organic presence in the pond since these variables determine the consumption of oxygen. Some folk may need an air stone and some folk may not need it.

There far are too many benefits from using an air stone and very few negatives to using an air stone. If it is something that is affordable, then it should done.

GreatDanesDad, with how you are reporting it, everything looks fine. Just keep the waterfall and airstone running.

Now, even though the fish's metabolism is higher in warmer temperatures, this does not mean it is required for you to significantly increase the feeding regiment. Since I lift weights twice a day and run a few miles in the morning, does this mean I should eat a steak with every meal?? It just doesn't make sense. Fish will be fine with normal or even lower feeding at higher temperatures and this is what I am advised to do by the other more avid hobbyists than I.

In higher water temperatures, you do need to worry about the ammonia's slight increase of toxicity. So, if it is detected, then reduce feedings or improve the bio-filtration system (be it mechanized or plants).

Just be sure to keep the waterfall and airstones running and everything will be fine.

From what little I researched, there are chillers out there that work cooling the water much like a heat pump for a house's A/C unit, but, for an outdoor pond your size, then you're talking about at least a 1~2 hp unit and initial cost is quite expensive.
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Panama City, Florida
Hardiness Zone
United States
It has been staying a sticky mid 90's here in Florida, but luckily the trees above my pond have filled in nicely so the Sun only Directly hits it for about 3 hours tops with rays the rest of the time through the leaves :cheerful:
Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Hey Haro lol I forgot to add a comma please forgive my fruedian slip Alaska, Canada now us.
We are on an alert here in our kneck of the woods asking us to look out for our elderly and disabled neighbours making sure that they are cool in this weather hit 30 again yesterday and today wh no end in site they are now also warning about forest and crop fires.
Charles with thanx my friend with thanx .
Jason keep the airstones pumping add more if you can pop over the UK and visit you'd think you were home in this weather
Ok the AZ guy is getting worried about temperature. I don't know what to look for. My pond is 2000+ gallons, covered, and the chemistry is nominal. But I am in the Phoenix Valley and we have been having 110-118 degree weather regularly. That is (43 to 48C). My water temperature is 90F (32.2C) in the peak of the day. I am only worried because other people see wored about temps significantly lower.

My fish are very active, and eating ferociously. In an 8 min window, they are eating double what they would eat when the water temperature was 10 degree cooler.

I have no flashing or reason to feel worried, but I am new to this game. Should I be watching for something? My young fish have doubled in size in the last 30 days is that normal. 4 months old, 7 inches long? Should I slow the feeding? I use my amonia, nitrites, nitrates, and phosphates as a judge to feed, all are 0 if not very close to it.

FYI, the pond is covered and gets shade for a large part of the day. I have a 3x factor on gallons of water in the pond to gallons per hour of pumping. I have plants that cover 30% of the water surface. (we had a spawn a month ago, and I have babies in the plants ) There is two waterfalls, a fountain, and many air stones in the pond. So I am hoping that I have enough o2 in the water. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated! Is temperature a problem, or just o2?
Dont panic just keep a very close eye on your fish if you have to cut out a meal or two it wont harm them add extra airstones to the pond if you can add shade do so .
Keep an eye on your water peraneters especially Ph


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
near Kalamazoo, Michigan
crsublette said:
These situations always depends on the number of fish in the pond and other organic presence in the pond since these variables determine the consumption of oxygen. Some folk may need an air stone and some folk may not need it.

There far are too many benefits from using an air stone and very few negatives to using an air stone. If it is something that is affordable, then it should done.

GreatDanesDad, with how you are reporting it, everything looks fine. Just keep the waterfall and airstone running.

Now, even though the fish's metabolism is higher in warmer temperatures, this does not mean it is required for you to significantly increase the feeding regiment. Since I lift weights twice a day and run a few miles in the morning, does this mean I should eat a steak with every meal?? It just doesn't make sense. Fish will be fine with normal or even lower feeding at higher temperatures and this is what I am advised to do by the other more avid hobbyists than I.

In higher water temperatures, you do need to worry about the ammonia's slight increase of toxicity. So, if it is detected, then reduce feedings or improve the bio-filtration system (be it mechanized or plants).

Just be sure to keep the waterfall and airstones running and everything will be fine.

From what little I researched, there are chillers out there that work cooling the water much like a heat pump for a house's A/C unit, but, for an outdoor pond your size, then you're talking about at least a 1~2 hp unit and initial cost is quite expensive.
A bit off topic but Charles I assume you know that if you want to receive maximum benifit of working out twice a dag and running too, you DO need to take in additional calories and maintain a QUALITY diet if you want to see maximum gains. One of my best frieds, who has been winning body building shows for his class and sometimes overall as well, did not make his gains without a significant increase of quality and quantity of his diet. The same could be said for people who are looking to grow big healthy fish.


Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
Dave 54 said:
Hey Haro lol I forgot to add a comma please forgive my fruedian slip Alaska, Canada now us.
We are on an alert here in our kneck of the woods asking us to look out for our elderly and disabled neighbours making sure that they are cool in this weather hit 30 again yesterday and today wh no end in site they are now also warning about forest and crop fires.


Nice and cool, then! We've had two weeks of 30+, usually 33 - 35, and the Humidex a good 10 degrees higher than that! Staying indoors with the AC on. :FIREdevil:

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