Hello all! I'm very new to the world of koi ponds. I've recently just taken on a small koi pond (about 300 gallons) to help out a friend. Her former husband was taking care of them and all I know is that they are all new fish (from this past spring) and the water is also new. I've been caring for them for a few weeks now. From the little that I've been reading I know they have too many fish for the size of the pond. So I already have that working against me. I was scooping leaves daily, slowed their feeding down, took out the filter and pump in preparation for winter here in VT. Unfortunately the weather decided to warm up again and that's when things went wrong. Over a weekend the water warmed up, many leaves fell in the pond and the water is now very dark brown. Before I knew it the biggest fish in the pond was "piping" at the top. I quickly put the filter and pump back in as I realized the oxygen must have been depleted. That seemed to have helped as everyone is still alive and it's been a few days since. Now I'm trying to once again get things back in order for winter prep. I did a water change as I performed a strip test and the ph was reading 5.5! So far two water changes of about 15% and still reading low PH. I'm already quite attached to these guys and am stressed that they are most likely very stressed right now. Should I continue to do more water changes? Does the cold water have any affect on PH readings? Baking soda? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I really want these koi to make it!