About 2 mo the ago I was working on a house and the owner was selling up and was leeching his pond and fish so I got talking and ended up he did I can have the fish including 2 10 to 12 lb albino grass carp and 6lb albino grass carp 2 8lb plus koi a 11lb ghost butterfly koi and 5 2lb plus goldfish so I made a large raised pond at home set it up took the filter and rigged it all up with water still in and left the pond for about a week and introduced the fish and naught 8 small 2’’ goldfish the fish are happy and full off life but now a mo th on they don’t come up to the surface. At all to feed apart from the tiny goldfish I have all the same food from the old pond but they just won’t eat and I can’t understand why I did put in a large bulrush type plant about 3ft wide x 2ft height with a root ball about the same size that had burst a pot could they just be eating the naturals off this and ignoring the food as their always around in nose aiming at it please help