I went out to my pond today and one of my fish was looking very diseased. He is usually shy so I don't often see him. He was up at the top floating on his side, but then when I walked up of course he started trying to get away. Very very slowly. So I scooped him up and put him in a bucket with a little air pump for air. Here are some pics of him, so maybe yall can help me identify the disease. I am not sure if it's ich, because none of the other fish have it, and I can't really see the telltale little white clumps on him. Then again, he is a white-ish color fish so it may be hard to tell. As you can see, his eyes have a haze over them, as does his body. It is not usually to tones of white like that. It is usually all the darker tone. So this lighter color white on his sides is something new. Anyway, here are the pics.