I put the garden hose in the pond about 2 pm this afternoon to bring the water level up a few inches. I always add water from the hose with the nozzle in shower mode. The pond is about 800 gallons. I have 4 koi from 6-14 inches and a few goldies. I got distracted and was unable to return to turn the hose off for two hours. It was overflowing. And, I forgot to add dechlorinator to the water. Two of the fish were floating and the rest were in distress. I immediately added the dechlorinator to the water, turned the waterfall to full, and added two aerators to the pond. It's now almost 7 pm and the fish are all still alive but they are staying near the bottom of the pond and not moving around a lot. Any suggestions on what else I can do to improve their chances of living? What can I expect to happen over the next day or two? Will it help them recover from the chlorine poisoning if I add some salt to the water? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.