I’m new to this hobby. We have a 125 gallon backyard pond next to our patio I set in the ground (pre-formed liner) and filled last fall, but didn’t have time for much else until spring. I use a foam and gravel filter kit about the size of a shoebox with a fountain. I’m also working on a small waterfall feature.
Early summer I introduced a few goldfish to enjoy and to control mosquitoes and added a few more a couple of weeks later. I’m up to eight fish which I think is enough - combined fish length, maybe 20 inches.
The landscaping, waterfall, stones and plants will be a work in progress for the rest of the season, but my spouse and I enjoy puttering around with it. I like her sense of design much better than mine.
The pond gets about five hours of direct sun this time of year. The water has been cloudy green for most of the summer. I have a water lily on order to help with water quality and provide shade and cover for the fish.
So, one step at a time. I’m working hard to avoid overthinking this project. I enjoy reading this forum and appreciate the wide experience represented here.
I’m new to this hobby. We have a 125 gallon backyard pond next to our patio I set in the ground (pre-formed liner) and filled last fall, but didn’t have time for much else until spring. I use a foam and gravel filter kit about the size of a shoebox with a fountain. I’m also working on a small waterfall feature.
Early summer I introduced a few goldfish to enjoy and to control mosquitoes and added a few more a couple of weeks later. I’m up to eight fish which I think is enough - combined fish length, maybe 20 inches.
The landscaping, waterfall, stones and plants will be a work in progress for the rest of the season, but my spouse and I enjoy puttering around with it. I like her sense of design much better than mine.
The pond gets about five hours of direct sun this time of year. The water has been cloudy green for most of the summer. I have a water lily on order to help with water quality and provide shade and cover for the fish.
So, one step at a time. I’m working hard to avoid overthinking this project. I enjoy reading this forum and appreciate the wide experience represented here.