My name is Melissa and I live in the north Georgia mountains. My first tank was full of guppies that my Mom set up. That was 40 years ago. Boy time flies! Over the years, I have had several aquiariums while raising children. Once they flew from the nest, my husband bought a 35 gallon tub. I had so much fun with it my passion escalated to all out obsession. I now have an 1800 gallon pond, several koi, a planted 55 gallon aquarium, 35 gallon with cherry shrimp, 55 and 30 winter tank for tropical waterlilies, 2 wiener dogs and a very loving and understanding husband :heartpump:
My idea of destressing after work is to put on my chest waders, sit on the plant shelf with a beer and chat with my fish. Of course that is a seasonal activity.
I really enjoy hearing how others have overcome their pond problems, new ideas and sharing in their joys.
My idea of destressing after work is to put on my chest waders, sit on the plant shelf with a beer and chat with my fish. Of course that is a seasonal activity.
I really enjoy hearing how others have overcome their pond problems, new ideas and sharing in their joys.