Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
My name is Marshall and I currently have two ponds. The main purpose of building my ponds was in order to have a natural environment for my turtles and some koi so I do try and design the pond so it is attractive but, some elements have to be included to protect the animals such as a fence and tunneling barrier plus an overhead web to deter hawks etc. As I said I have two ponds, one is 950 gallons and homes my turtles and koi. The second pond is 230 gallons and is going to be used for goldfish but I am still constructing it. The large pond is enclosed by a fence that protects my turtles which are a male and a female red eared slider, a African sideneck and 2 painted turtles both males. The interior of the enclosure is about 20 by 30 feet and the pond takes up 15 by 10 feet of that and is 3.2 feet deep at the deepest point. I built the ponds by myself so it took about 25 days and I also do the maintenance alone. Although I have some experience raising turtles this is my first try with an outdoor pond as well as my first experience raising fish. So far my only trouble has been learning to deal with the clarity of the water due to algae and other debris/waste. At one point the visibility in the pond was less that 3 inches but now using a uv filter and a bio filter I designed the water has cleared up to perfectly seeing to the bottom and has remained that way so far. Again thank you for allowing me to join the forum.