Hey Everyone! I am starting to think again with hope about getting my pond finished. I swear my body has aged ten years since I did my last one. I am very sure I won't be able to move the kind of rocks I did last time. With that in mind, I was thinking about the area between the bog and the pond. All the Aquascape videos have me envisioning MASSIVE boulders moved with excavators and a crew of artists to put them in place. But no. It will be just me and my weak little muscles. I was thinking if I used Rock on A Roll over that area between the bog and the main pond, it might look like a big rock in the ground! I could break it up with smaller boulders and possibly even a log of some kind. I wonder if that could give the illusion I'm hoping for?
The picture I will attach is funny. We were expecting rain and I didn't have a big plastic sheet yet to protect the edges of the excavation. So I used our (very large) stash of old bath towels/rags. The area I am talking about is in the upper right corner. That is the bog. The wall between bog and pond is covered with red and white bath towels. Do you think RoaR could be used effectively here? Would it look like a big old boulder in the landscape? Or would it just be a mess?
The picture I will attach is funny. We were expecting rain and I didn't have a big plastic sheet yet to protect the edges of the excavation. So I used our (very large) stash of old bath towels/rags. The area I am talking about is in the upper right corner. That is the bog. The wall between bog and pond is covered with red and white bath towels. Do you think RoaR could be used effectively here? Would it look like a big old boulder in the landscape? Or would it just be a mess?