Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
I did an update to the MS-ATR website yesterday evening and decided to pull a traffic (internet) report to see how the link relationship between my rescue site and this forum was doing. I figured some of the members may find the numbers interesting so here is the overview from the report.
Time Frame: 42 days
# of visitors to MS-ATR = 8,214
# of visitors who followed the GPF link = 1,003
Basically this means that out of the eight thousand or so people who visited my website a little over one thousand of them found the link to this forum and decided to visit it. I am hopeful that the new edit to the website and now that it has propagated into Google that those numbers will increase. After all it is the least I could do to give back something to this forum which is a treasure trove of information.
Time Frame: 42 days
# of visitors to MS-ATR = 8,214
# of visitors who followed the GPF link = 1,003
Basically this means that out of the eight thousand or so people who visited my website a little over one thousand of them found the link to this forum and decided to visit it. I am hopeful that the new edit to the website and now that it has propagated into Google that those numbers will increase. After all it is the least I could do to give back something to this forum which is a treasure trove of information.